Owning a car gives you plenty of opportunities to take it out for a drive. When you aren’t going to though, you will need to use car storage to keep it safe and in good condition. This calls for you to take the various parts of your vehicle into account, especially the tyres.
Flat Spots
When you are leaving and storing your car for longer than a few weeks, the tyres need attention. This is to stop flat spots from developing at the tread contact patch. The reason this happens is you leave a small area to bear the weight of the car for a long period of time.
One solution to eliminate this problem is to ensure that you inflate your tyres and increase the pressure to the maximum capacity. This will allow them to stay firmer for longer. In addition, if possible, you should also roll your car at regular intervals, approximately once a month.
Preventing Movement
You might worry about your car moving if it is in a location which is not flat. One solution you should never use is leaving the handbrake on. This is because it can fuse the brake pads to the discs. Tyre stoppers are more appropriate if you want to be sure that it will not roll. Just make sure they are strong enough to bear the load.
Sidewall Protection
Long term storage can lead to the sidewalls perishing because of the rubber becoming dry and brittle. This is why you should not store your car in direct sunlight. UV rays damage rubber in a similar way to our skin. A lot of people make the mistake of using a car cover but not covering the tyres.
A Specialist Facility
Wherever you decide to store your car, along with caring for it you need to ensure that it is a secure location. This is particularly important if you will not be near it and your vehicle is a valuable or special model.
Rudler offers numerous car storage options, including on our dedicated site. Here, we can give it the attention it deserves such as a monthly condition check. This as well as options that use an air chamber or dust sheet depending on what you want.
Learn about what we offer by taking a look through our site and contact us if you require further information. Your vehicles are safe with us and the tips we share can help you keep them safe if you store at home.