Protecting the battery on low-use vehicles

Although car batteries do not have an unlimited life, they should not need to be replaced frequently. As with all elements and components of a car, with correct care and maintenance the life of the battery can be greatly extended. As skilled car care and storage specialists, we supply state of the art battery conditioners which work to keep car batteries performing over a substantial lifespan.

Battery conditioners are particularly important when placing a vehicle in storage for prolonged periods. We are well known for providing prestigious classic car storage services. As part of this, we certainly encourage battery conditioners to be used, as this saves on the inconvenience and loss of features which occur when you remove the battery whilst the car is stored. It is not the case, however, that only cars in storage get the benefits of battery conditioners.

Car batteries are designed and calibrated to give optimal performance based on averages of the frequent use of the car. There are many cases where cars are not in storage, but are not used as frequently as required to keep the battery charged to the correct level. If you have a low use car, especially a high value vehicle, it’s quite possible that you are damaging the battery rather than preserving it by keeping the car off the road. Battery conditioners allow you to keep a car off the road for prolonged periods without the need to remove or disconnect the battery. This allows you to keep essential features such as alarms running without worrying about a loss of power.

As the country’s leading name for car storage, as well as accessories and equipment which enable you to store cars safely even away from our premises, we proudly represent only the most effective battery conditioners available on the market. If you are unsure which one to go for, our team of experts will be happy to discuss the system which will work best for your vehicle.