When you look for a car transportation company, you want someone with skill. This is something a business typically develops with years of hard work. Our own establishment has more than three decades of experience behind it. As a result, we can respond to every requirement and provide a stellar service.
If you are arranging to transport your vehicle you first need to prepare it. This includes everything from clearing it out to topping up fluid. Then you need to look at the extra steps you can take in order to be safer. Going the extra mile like this shall guarantee a smooth process and is great for your car.
To begin with, you should insure your car. This will appear obvious to you initially. Yet, you should still check it. Particular forms of insurance don’t cover long distance transportation. You may have one of these policies. If so, then in the worst case scenario, you will be responsible for making the necessary payments.
Give the driver a copy of your keys
Make sure you obtain a copy of your keys for the driver as well. This will allow them to drive it on and off the transport. If you forget to do this they won’t be able to move the car for you.
It is best to give the transport driver a spare copy of the key and keep the original yourself. Just make sure the spare works properly. Then, ensure your keys are safe while you are not using the vehicle and remember to collect the spare once the delivery is complete.
Professional car transportation
At Rudler we use transporters that meet the cleanest Euro 6 standard. In addition, we designed them especially so they can meet our complex requirements. At any given time, we are capable of handling the movement of 1 to 4 cars. They can be any kind of model, from classic sports cars to modern vehicles.
If you require the finest car transportation in the country, please speak to us. You won’t be disappointed with our service.